Monday 29 June 2015

Keratin Treatment Vs Thermal Reconditioning PLUS NEW COMER - MAGIC SLEEK?

Hey, Hi

Just a little disclosure " I am in no way a professional hairdresser, this is only my experience and my personal preferences! "

So the dreaded before pics (eek).... The first pic is four years old and is one of few pics I have of my natural hair. At that point I only ever used a straightener ( GHD ) and also had the occasional blow wave. The next pic is a very recent photo. (4days ago) Here my hair has been treated with Thermal Reconditioning, and my roots have (over) grown about 4inches. As you can see, once you go straight your hair never comes back... unless you shave and re grow but I'm not looking to do a Britney anytime soon.


Thermal Reconditioning

 This photo is the after shot from receiving Thermal reconditioning. Also known as Japanese Hair Straightening. This process took close to eight hours to complete.... so pack a movie and food and cancel all appointments because this takes a LONG time to achieve. 

To break down the process it contains six steps (some may differ)

Step 1: Your hair is drenched with the product and is then left to sit. The idea is to let the chemical break the bond of your strands of your hair that create shape. The hairdresser will keep on applying the product to your hair till it is fully covered (touch ups)

Step 2:Rinse time 

Step 3: They then blow dry your hair straight and carefully and painstakingly get a small strand at a time and straighten your hair. At this point you will already be happy with the result. BUT WAIT there is more!

Step 4: They than re apply more of the product to your hair, covering it again like step one. This time they may leave it in a little longer and put your hair under a blow dryer machine.

Step 5: Rinse time 

Step 6: This is the final stage and is just a repeat of Step 3! Finally its done !

**It is then recommended not to wash your hair for the next 48 hours to let the chemical set.


Varies $150s - $1000s +
Depending on your hair texture and length and also your choice of hairdresser.
My hair cost around $200


Please be sure of this procedure and re evaluate how much you dislike your curls....
Is it really that bad ? Are you ready to say goodbye for a very long time or maybe even forever?
  •  Make sure you do not get your hair coloured before or after the process. If fact some hairdressers advise you keep away from colouring if you choose to do this procedure. You could loose your hair eek...
  •  This procedure WILL CHANGE YOUR HAIR! It is permanent ,you can not undo it. If you spend all this money and time on it you can not go back to your curls. 
  • It is very costly and you will need touch ups.Though the hair that is treated will be permanently straight, your hair regrowth will be your natural hair. This can leave your hair looking like my before pic on the left, which is awkward!
  •   No volume it is pin straight! - it can look a little wiggish 

The great side to this is that its very low maintenance and easy to manage. You may or may not need a straightener to style it. It takes away so much time stressing over your hair!

Keratin Treatment

This is a after shot after Keratin Treatment also known as Brazilian Keratin Treatment. The procedure only took two hours to complete.

To break down the process it was a simple five steps.

Step 1:Hair wash or rinse

Step 2 : Application of product from root to bottom.

Step 3: Product is left in hair for 30mins or more under low heat with a hairdresser dryer.

Step 4: Hair is blow dried straight.

Step 5: Hair is than taken strand by strand and straightened with high heat to activate the product in your hair. 

It is then complete!! It is recommended to not wash your hair for the next 4 days. 

Varies between $200 to $400 +

But there are heaps of deals to be had on Groupon or Grabone with prices as low as $89 with surcharges.  Just remember to book well ahead of time or be prepared to go during the week as there are never ever any weekend appointments unless you pay full price.


  • This hair procedure contains a chemical formaldehyde which is a known cancer-causing substance. (Wish I knew this before I went on with the procedure) Exposure to this substance can cause: Eye irritation and damage, including blindness.Nose irritation, including bloody noses. Skin sensitivity, rashes, and itching. Breathing difficulties, such as coughing and wheezing.

  • Your normal hair will come back after you wash it, you need to activate it again with hot irons.
  • The product is left in your hair so dry residue will be in your hair which can look like dandruff.
  • You must use sulfate free shampoo to maintain this look.
  • It is recommended to only wash your hair twice a week.
  • It can also be costly as this only lasts a couple of months.
The great side to this is that it is not permanent and for at least 2 months there will be no frizz in your hair.
Your hair still has volume, and it can give you a more natural look.


So this is apparently the new straightening product! According to people's reviews (found on the Internet) it gives you the same results as the Keratin treatment. The huge difference being that it does not have the chemical FORMALDEHYDE!! I am super excited for this to hurry up and enter New Zealand!!

I, now looking back, to be honest wish I gave my hair more of a chance. I don't do these procedures all the time in fact I only go for a treatment once a year. I am currently trying to grow my natural hair out and just concentrating on fighting frizz. 

Any who whatever you do, really examine your relationship with your hair. Do you want a permanent change or just a temporary fight against frizz. Are your curls really that bad?  Do your homework!! And do what makes you happy!!

Cat xx

Thursday 25 June 2015

My Polynesian Hair -Thoughts and Shade

Hi, Hey!

When it comes to my personal self image I can honestly say I accept most of my flaws whether it be my big thighs or my awesome stretchmarks from my babies (rolls eyes ) I'm pretty happy or more accepting rather with it all apart from one thing ..................MY HAIR !!!

Its really thick...but not really. Its half curl half frizz and mostly just a big fro that can take up to an hour to untangle and brush. It has no body what so ever and it's dryer than the Sahara dessert! TO sum it up its just a pile of hot mess !!!

It's been my worst enemy since I can even remember. I don't know why I'm so self conscious about my hair, but it's sad to admit that I feel like a complete wild beast when I have it natural. Thinking back I don't actually think I have even one single moment in my whole life where I've remotely liked it. PRETTY PATHETIC seeing as that I should be lucky I even have hair !!(Thank you GOD) I do hope I get over this vanity stage and embrace it but to be honest I could never see that happening *working progress

"My mood depends on how good my hair looks" unknown

Wow how relevant is this statement to my life, it's very petty I am quite aware, but I decided three years ago that I would take the chemical route to permanently straight my hair. I haven't really looked back since. I have to say it has created a new sort of confidence in myself and I can enjoy myself and not be so held back by that insecure feeling. I figured if it truly improves my life for the better than why not ?

I will blog about the treatments I choose to use and what the side effects are and also what the cost and up keep is etc. It will be packed with before and after shots. (Oh dear lol)

Hopefully I'm not alone in this boat of hair issues lol But if you love what God gave you own it and embrace !!