Thursday 25 June 2015

My Polynesian Hair -Thoughts and Shade

Hi, Hey!

When it comes to my personal self image I can honestly say I accept most of my flaws whether it be my big thighs or my awesome stretchmarks from my babies (rolls eyes ) I'm pretty happy or more accepting rather with it all apart from one thing ..................MY HAIR !!!

Its really thick...but not really. Its half curl half frizz and mostly just a big fro that can take up to an hour to untangle and brush. It has no body what so ever and it's dryer than the Sahara dessert! TO sum it up its just a pile of hot mess !!!

It's been my worst enemy since I can even remember. I don't know why I'm so self conscious about my hair, but it's sad to admit that I feel like a complete wild beast when I have it natural. Thinking back I don't actually think I have even one single moment in my whole life where I've remotely liked it. PRETTY PATHETIC seeing as that I should be lucky I even have hair !!(Thank you GOD) I do hope I get over this vanity stage and embrace it but to be honest I could never see that happening *working progress

"My mood depends on how good my hair looks" unknown

Wow how relevant is this statement to my life, it's very petty I am quite aware, but I decided three years ago that I would take the chemical route to permanently straight my hair. I haven't really looked back since. I have to say it has created a new sort of confidence in myself and I can enjoy myself and not be so held back by that insecure feeling. I figured if it truly improves my life for the better than why not ?

I will blog about the treatments I choose to use and what the side effects are and also what the cost and up keep is etc. It will be packed with before and after shots. (Oh dear lol)

Hopefully I'm not alone in this boat of hair issues lol But if you love what God gave you own it and embrace !!


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