Tuesday 1 September 2015

First home fever .... the fever that's almost impossible to catch

Hey there,

Welcome back :)

I thought I would write about the new "weather conversion" that strikes up EVERYWHERE. 
You know the one. Either you started it or you are at the receiving end, there is no escaping it. 

The very conversation makes some of us panic or become uncomfortable and damn right FRUSTRATED! It often starts with the "How crazy is the housing market?" Or "Went to an auction and missed out by $200,000!"

It's all about the road to buying your first home or the "no-entry" road to buying your first home ! Oh the frustration of wanting to buy in the big city!

For those of you lucky to already be in your first home; CONGRATS! You have made it to the other side! However, for the rest of us the struggle is indeed REAL! Now I don't want to rant too much about this, but seriously is this a JOKE? 

Even with resources out there like :

  • Kiwi saver withdrawal for first home buyers
  • First home grants
  • Personal Savings
  • Good Income
  • Help from "Parents"
The reality is, even when you have all the help above, that may only get you $500,000 to buy a house. Now don't get me wrong that is big money we are talking about! But in the current big city housing market you are short of $150,000, and even then still, we are talking about a very small shoe box, that is in a "not so hot" location and is out of your current school zones ! 

I have heard countless upsetting stories. The trend story seems to be; getting geared up to attend a auction, and all the numbers seems attainable, the valuation is way below the current budget and out of no-where BANG! The starting bid starts $50,000 over your highest bid!
Its ugly and it's even more uglier talking about it, believe me I feel your pain!. So when is enough....enough! 

If you ask me..... I say put up your white flag and announce your DEFEAT!

I don't mean quit this all together, but rather quit the frustration over it. If you need to for a little bit, stop thinking about it all together. Give yourself a break! You are not in this alone! 
Once you have done that lets use this opportunity to have a fresh start. Back to the drawing boards we go! We have to accept that this is the way it is.
It sucks! YES! But as my buddy Sinatra would say "THAT'S LIFE" 

I say let's get creative or get real! 

By creative I mean, look for other avenues! Can you team up with another family member to purchase together? Can you buy a piece of land with someone? Then build when you can afford.
Is moving out of the big city a possibility? If so, where to? I'm sure with that big brain of yours you will come up with something brilliant!

Now getting REAL! Are we even ready to buy a house? The worst situation would be to buy it and you realize you can't even afford it, which may mean losing your house before you even had a chance to own it (through a mortgagee sale).

Maybe we need to accept that this isn't our moment to own a house. Maybe we need to accept that renting is all we can do for now. But this doesn't have to be a DOWNER! We might have to get a huge hit of PATIENCE! It might mean saving a little bit more or using this time to get rid of any debt, so when you are ready you can focus on just the ONE BIG DEBT! 

While its hard and frustrating and painfully real, I honestly believe it's not impossible. And I'm not even a home owner myself! If you want it bad enough and you create a plan and stick to it, how can it not happen!! 
I'm not saying it's going to be tomorrow or even next year.... but it will happen! We have to believe this and tell ourselves : IT WILL HAPPEN!! 

And let's face it.. it's not going to be as glamorous as it sounds when it does eventually happen! There will be the never ending struggle of council rates, interest rates, insurance, upkeep and all the rest of it! 

The grass maybe greener on the other side.......but that is some HAIR PULLING EXPENSIVE GRASS ALRIGHT!

So let's enjoy the little bit of freedom we have now, that is, until we are locked down for the next decade or two or even three, paying off that never ending loan ! ( WHY DO I WANT TO OWN A HOUSE AGAIN? ) 

Well here we are at the end of another blog ;) 

Thanks for reading!!

Stay beautiful and stay blessed and remember it will happen!

Cat xx


  1. I love it sis! Keep em coming and funny how that's what i was looking in to today! I guess renting
    will just have to do for now. Thanks sis you have surely helped my house fever cool down ๐Ÿ˜‚


    1. Hey sis, thanks for stopping by ! YAY

      Yes sis me and you both! The struggle is real haha! Lets go back to the islands and build a resort, imagine us both sipping our cocktails and chilling away xx
